全球100大趋势报告2.0(英文)- WundermanThompson-202006.pdf

摘要 : “The Future 100 2.0.20” is a report by Wunderman Thompson Intelligence that highlights key trends that have been fast-tracked due to COVID-19, and introduces five completely new trends to watch. The pandemic has caused anxiety levels to rise, particularly among younger Americans who are burdened by concerns around the economic future, job prospects, and the cost of living. Despite this, there is an underlying optimism that keeps people hopeful. The report also notes that many of the trends identified in the original “Future 100” report released in January 2020 are still relevant and have even accelerated and matured due to the pandemic. The report looks at the shift toward remote work, the rise of virtual experiences, the importance of mental health, and the emergence of new technologies and consumption habits.
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