摘要 : ities”showed a year-on-year decline of0.06%,primarily due to the drop in prices of residential properties in third-tier cities. In terms of new construction, there was a 9.4% year-on-year decline in newly constructed floor space between January and February. While this decline narrowed, the new construction floor space remains low. In terms of policies, local governments continued to introduce measures to support home buying, such as lowering interest rates for first-time home buyers and relaxing restrictions on purchasing. Meanwhile, the top 100 real estate companies saw a 4.8% year-on-year decline in sales revenue in the first two months of the year. Finally, the report highlights the issuance and repayment of bonds in the industry, as well as credit events and risk management. While there is hope that demand for new properties will improve marginally, the supply may be affected due to a continued sluggishness in the land market, and there will be ongoing risk management to stabilize the credit of quality real estate enterprises.
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