摘要 : f internalized and externalized body shame in the relationship between self-objectification and eating behavior problems in college students. Methods: A survey was conducted using the Chinese version of the Self-Objectification Questionnaire, the Chinese version of the Body Shame Scale, and the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire on 460 college students. Results: Self-objectification, eating behavior problems, internalized body shame, and externalized body shame were significantly positively correlated. Internalized and externalized body shame played a multiple mediating role in the relationship between self-objectification and eating behavior problems, and the mediating effect of externalized body shame was significantly higher than that of internalized body shame. Conclusion: Self-objectification can directly affect eating behavior problems and indirectly affect them through the multiple mediating effects of internalized and externalized body shame. Key words: self-objectification; eating behavior problems; internalized body shame; externalized body shame.

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